Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

– Ladies and gentlemen, this is the question at hand; are you getting enough sleep? As time goes by, we just get busier and busier, meaning we just don’t have enough time to get it all done! Between work, family, and all the activities we plunge ourselves into, we just seem to come up short. The solution, we sacrifice rest and sleep to make our world spin in. But what is that doing to our health?

lack of sleep

Lack of sleep has been associated with decreased focus, attention, information retention, and decision making.

These are all important factors in all aspects of our daily lives. When our brains stop firing on all cylinders, we tend to make mistakes, miss important details, and have trouble deciphering what we should do next. We start walking into rooms and forgetting why we went in there to begin with. We begin missing deadlines, running late to appointments, and even dressing our kids funny.

Sleep deprivation then begins to impact our mood. We become more snippy to the ones around us and make the smallest things into mountains. The stress and anxiety of not being able to process the world around us in an organized manner, can make it all overwhelming. The smallest task becomes too daunting to complete and we begin to shut down. Possible depression can take over and then nothing is getting accomplished. The effect doesn’t only affect you, but all those around you.

lack of sleep

Then there is the physical aspect due to lack of sleep.

So what’s the solution? It is suggested that adults get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night, but that is not always ideal in our schedules. Try to work in 3-4 nights a week where you can get the recommended amount. Pick a few days a month to just rest. These can be days at home playing board games with the family or having a movie marathon on the couch. Resting the mind and the body can recharge you, making you better able to go and blow through the next series of days. Try exercising 3-4 days a week; go for a walk, hit a group class, push play, or hit the gym. Exercise can help elevate your mood and destress your mind

lack of sleep

Lastly, develop a nighttime routine to help relax your mind and body into a good night’s rest. Take some time to enjoy the quiet; read a book, watch a show, do something that you find relaxing and quiets your mind from the day. Before climbing into bed, take a long hot shower or bath. This can help relax the muscles in the body, allowing them to release the stress of the day. Sunshine Valley Soap Company offers a variety of soothing and relaxing scented soaps to help increase relaxation:

Gentle Lavender and Oats Goat Milk Soap

Gentle Lavender and Oats Goat Milk Soap

Oats and Shea Goat Milk Soap (Unscented)

Oats and Shea Goat Milk Soap (Unscented)

Restful Lavender All Natural Soap

Restful Lavender All Natural Soap

Smooth Aloe All Natural Soap

Smooth Aloe All Natural Soap

At the end of the day, we all just want to be able to be at our best. Take some steps to increase your rest, relaxation, and sleep. The long term benefits can not only increase your day to day, but also have long lasting positive effects on your overall well being.

Check out the full line of Sunshine Valley Soap Company’s all natural bar soap products here, and just remember to breathe!

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